

If you would like to register for the conference:

  1. first email Peter Liljedahl (,
  2. then register in person at the conference registration desk starting July 15th at 14:00. 
PRE-REGISTRATION - necessary for proposals to be reviewedDec 28, 2013 - Mar 1, 2014
GENERAL REGISTRATION - for participants not submitting a proposal April 28, 2014 - May 26, 2014
FULL REGISTRATION - for participants with accepted proposalsApril 28, 2014 - May 26, 2014
LATE REGISTRATION - same as general registration plus $70.May 27, 2014 - July 10, 2014
ON-SITE REGISTRATION - same as general registration plus $70.July 15, 2014 - July 20, 2014

Conference Pre-Registration

Pre-registration for PME 2014 will be carried out online using the ConfTool conference registration system. Before registering for the conference or paying the membership fee, you need to register in the ConfTool system.

New User for ConfTool

  • Please create a new account and register in the system.
  • You will need to provide your personal information and account information in order to build your own data base in the system.
  • After filling in these details and submitting all information needed, you will be able to continue with your conference pre-registration.

Existing User for ConfTool

  • Please enter your username and password to login and select the option “Pre-Register for this Event or Join PME as a member.” If you have forgotten your password, ConfTool will help you to retrieve it.
  • Select your status as PME participant by clicking on the appropriate option. Step by step the system will take you to the payment form where you can find additional information on payment options for the conference deposit.
  • If you choose online payment, the system will connect you with a secure page for you to complete your payment (see 8.4 Payment).

PME Membership Only

If you have been a PME member in the past, but will not be attending PME 2014, or you want to become a new PME member who will not attend PME 2014, pay the annual membership fee for PME through ConfTool. This is necessary for maintaining or getting membership.

New User for ConfTool

  • Please create a new account and register in the system.
  • You will need to provide your personal information and account information in order to build your own data base in the system.
  • After filling in these details and submitting all information needed, you are able to select the option “Pre-Register for this Event or Join PME as a member.”

Existing User for ConfTool

  • Please login by entering your username and password and select the option “Pre-Register for this Event or Join PME as a member.
  • After checking your personal details and choosing “Pay PME membership fee ONLY” in the following step, the system will automatically take you to the payment form where you can get information on payment options for the membership fee.
  • If you choose online payment, the system will connect you with a secure page for you to complete your payment (see 8.4 Payment).

Registration Fees

The total registration fee is expected to be $630 CAD (about  410 €) with print proceedings. If you do not want print proceedings then the cost will be $580 CAD (about  380 €).

Conference Deposit

The non-refundable conference deposit is $150. For those who attend the conference, the conference deposit will be deducted from the full conference registration fee. The balance of the conference fee must be paid no later than May 20, 2014.

The conference deposit covers:

    • PME membership for the year 2014 of 40 € with a 10 €  compulsory Skemp Fund donation;
    • for North Americans it also covers the PME-NA membership fee of $20 USD (non-students) or $10 USD (students);
    • access to electronic conference proceedings;
    • and administrative costs related to the handling of the proposals.

Total Registration Fee

The total registration fee covers:

    • PME membership fee of 40 € for the year 2014 with a 10 € compulsory Skemp Fund donation;
    • for North Americans it also covers the PME-NA membership fee of $20 USD (non-students) or $10 USD (students);
    • a set of printed conference proceedings (see below) and access to an electronic version of the proceedings;
    • 4 lunches and 8 coffee breaks;
    • opening reception (Tuesday, July 15, 2014);
    • conference dinner (Saturday, July 19, 2014);
    • excursions and social events;
    • and the costs of venue, administrative work, and facilities needed for the organization of the conference.

Print Proceedings

Following the decision of the AGM during PME 36, you have the option to choose if you want to receive printed proceedings or not. As with previous conferences, the default option includes both printed and electronic proceedings. During the final registration process via the ConfTool system, participants can choose the alternative option that includes only electronic proceedings. If you choose only electronic proceedings, the registration fee will be reduced. The reduction depends on the price of printed proceedings (i.e., on the number of pages and volumes) and will be announced in April 2014 on this website and in the 2nd Announcement.

As announced during the AGM of PME 36, printed proceedings should also be available by a print-on-demand publisher where participants can order online for a price of about $60-70 plus shipping costs. The hyperlink will be announced on this website and the PME website ( as soon as it is available.

Accompanying Person Fee

We welcome accompanying persons. The fee for accompanying persons is expected to be around $150-200 per person depending on the anticipated number of participants and external financial support. The exact amount will be decided by the International Program Committee in April 2014, just prior to the publication of the 2nd Announcement. The fee covers:

    • opening reception (Sunday, July 15, 2014);
    • conference dinner (Thursday, July 19, 2014);
    • excursions and social events;
    • and some of the administrative work involved outside of the scientific program.

There is no fee for accompanying children under 14 years of age. If you have any questions, please contact the administrative secretary at

Donation to the Skemp Fund

The Richard Skemp Memorial Support Fund is a fund that was established to support academics from under-represented or economically weak countries in attending the annual conference. The spirit of the fund is to help academics who normally would not have access to the PME conference. As such, where applicants are from, where they are living, where they are working, where they are currently studying, as well as the conditions of their employment and studies are important factors when adjudicating the applications.

The Skemp Fund plays an increasingly important role in making the PME annual conference more accessible to mathematics educators who would not otherwise be able to attend the conference. The extent to which we can give this financial assistance depends to a large degree on the generosity of the PME community. For this reason, a compulsory donation of 10 € (about $14) is included in the pre-registration fee for the conference. In addition, the International Committee calls on members to make an additional donation, however small, to the Skemp Fund when paying membership fees or registering for annual conferences.

Late Registration Fees

After May 26, 2014 an additional charge of $75 CAD for conference participants and $50 CAD for accompanying persons will be added to the registration fee. The opportunity to participate in the excursion is not guaranteed and the option for printed proceedings will not be available after May 26, 2014. Late registrants will have the opportunity to order printed proceedings through the print-on-demand option

Payment Options

All participants can make their payment by credit card, Interac card, or wire transfer. Your pre-registration will only be finalized when the payment process is complete.

Credit Card

If you use a credit card (Visa or MasterCard only) the process will be carried out online. The ConfTool system will connect you to a secure payment site within the accounting system at The University of British Columbia (UBC). There you will enter your credit card information and will receive a receipt for your transaction. The payment site can also be accessed from the exact payment link on your ConfTool homepage, which will appear as soon as you have begun your pre-registration.

Payment link

There will be no opportunity to submit credit card information via fax. Our credit card compliance approval prevents us from handling credit card information directly. Anyone wanting to use an off line payment option will have to use the bank wire transfer option (below).


If you choose to pay by Interac card the process will be carried out online. Interac payments are only accepted from the following banks: Bank of Montreal (BMO), Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), ScotiaBank, or Toronto Dominion Canada Trust (TD). The ConfTool system will connect you to a secure payment site within the accounting system at The University of British Columbia. There you will enter your Interac card information and will receive a receipt for your transaction.

Bank Wire Transfer

If you choose to pay by bank wire transfer you will need to transfer the funds to the account printed below. Make sure that the bank transfer fees are not charged to the recipient. To finish the payment process, please print the confirmation of bank transfer and send it by email with your full name to

Beneficiary Bank (SWIFT tag 57):    

HSBC Bank Canada
Vancouver Main Branch
885 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, B.C.
Institution: 016
Transit: 10020

Beneficiary (SWIFT tag 59):        

University of British Columbia
#305-2075 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T 1Z1

Remittance detail (SWIFT tag 70):

Scott Cartmill/ EDCP / 2-4531
PG# 15G21923 / CGKH

Cancellation Policy

The registration for participation in the conference is binding. All cancellations and changes regarding the conference registration must be made in written form to the conference registration secretariat by sending an email to In all cases, the conference deposit will not be refunded; however, the deposit will cover one year of membership as well as access to the electronic conference proceedings.

For registered participants

If a cancellation for conference participation is made after the full registration fee has been paid:

    • Before June 15, 2014, the refund will be the amount of the full registration fee minus the conference deposit and the fees that the bank charges for processing the refund.

refund = (registration fee – conference deposit) – bank fees

    • After June 15, 2014, the refund will be 50% of the full registration fee minus the conference deposit, and then subtracting the fees that the bank charges for transferring the refund.

refund = 50% of (registration fee – conference deposit) – bank fees

For accompanying persons

    • Before June 15, 2014, the amount paid minus the fees that the bank charges for transferring the refund will be refunded.

refund = registration fee – bank fees

    • After June 15, 2014, the refund will be 50% of the full registration fee, subtracting the fees that the bank charges for transferring the refund.

refund = 50% of registration fee – bank fees

General Information

  • Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.
  • The conference program may be subject to changes (based on decisions by the International Program Committee).
  • In the case of unforeseeable events, it is up to the International Program Committee and the International Committee of PME to decide on changes or even the cancellation of the conference and the amount of refund of payments. If the conference is cancelled, the remaining funds will be paid back to the participants and no further liability of the local organizers or PME will be accepted towards the client.

Richard Skemp Memorial Support Fund & Application for Support

The Richard Skemp Memorial Support Fund is a fund that was established to support academics from under-represented or economically weak countries in attending the annual conference. The spirit of the fund is to help academics who normally would not have access to the PME conference.

Information for Potential Applicants

A limited amount of financial support is available to researchers who experience difficulty in obtaining financial support to attend a PME conference. Applicants for a grant from the Fund must submit an individual contribution (RR, SO, PP) and pay the non-refundable conference deposit, prior to the applicant’s proposal being reviewed. A grantee must have at least one proposal (RR, SO, PP) accepted.

In general:

    • only one of the authors of a particular proposal will be eligible to apply for a grant;
    • those who have already received a grant on two prior occasions will not receive an additional grant;
    • and, for applicants who have already received a grant in a previous year, priority will go to those who have an accepted Research Report rather than a Short Oral or Poster Presentation.

The number and size of grants each year depends on the amount available as well as the number of applicants and the relative merits of each application. The Richard Skemp Memorial Support Fund Committee will meet during the 2nd International Program Committee meeting, at the beginning of April 2014, and will make its recommendations once decisions on the acceptance or rejection of proposals have been completed. The PME Administration Manager will contact applicants to inform them of the decision on their application for a Richard Skemp Memorial Support Fund grant. This will usually take place before the end of April each year. Please note that grants cannot be carried over to the next year’s conference. Grants will be paid at the conference and not available in advance.

Applicants for a Skemp Fund grant should fill in the application form available from the conference website ( or from the PME website (Annual Conference/Skemp Support Fund). The application should be sent by March 1, 2014 to:

Bettina Roesken

Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, NA/3/28
Universitaetsstrasse 150
44780 Bochum, Germany


If you do not receive an acknowledgement of receipt within 10 days, please resend it. For more information visit the PME Website at

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